Thursday, March 30, 2006

Absence from the Internets

I've been computing at home very little lately. I've gone a week without playing Warcraft. Or any game, in fact (ok, some *flash' games, but they don't count). How? My work laptop has a nice new minty fresh install that I'm not going to sully with unnecessary installs, and the components for my pc-in-potentia are delayed. Very delayed.

I've tried watching DVDs instead (mostly comedy), but unless the source material is stellar, I loose interest. The passive entertainment thing doesn't really do it for me anymore. I've been noodling around on the synth a lot more lately, which is good, but depressing - music is not like riding a bike. Take two long a break and you might remember how to spin the pedals, but not steer, change gear, brake... Still, I had a zone-out moment playing the synthy line from "Everything in it's Right Place" by Radiohead, hasn't happened me in too long. It's very magical, your body is making very controlled movements to produce sound, but you don't think about it at all - you don't think about much of anything, you just feel how the song makes you feel, and retreat inside yourself a litte. Well that's how it is for me.

Entirely coincidentally to the whole non-gaming thing (seriously, I'm not being glib. Not there either), I've started getting up at... 7am. Regardless of bedtime. Turns out I could be a closet morning person after all - I feel more energetic, and I get more work done. I've a feeling it's got to do with the transition to Summer Time, and the feeling of spring that's in the air. That's during the day time. Now when I've had about 4 hours shut-eye in the last 24, things start to become hazy. I apologise in advance in case this exposition on particle physics has gone a little off track.


Blogger Trey said...

I feel ya--I went from guitar addict who played several hours a day, to this phobic thing that plays a scale and wets himself :(
7AM? You are a closet Titan, sir!

(look for the FIF reference)

Sat Apr 01, 10:39:00 a.m. GMT+3  
Blogger Trey said...

Darn! The add didn't work when I tried--just pop in at Gatochy's for the picture--sorry for the inadvertant April Fool

Sat Apr 01, 10:41:00 a.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

Damn hilarious :) My first parody mag-cover reference - this day has been elevated!

Sat Apr 01, 12:41:00 p.m. GMT+3  
Blogger Trey said...

I'll be blogging for Kurt at Other People Exist while he's "away".
I'm practicing the special blogging meditation you taught me.
Your plan for world dominance comes ever nearer to full fruition........

Tue Apr 04, 12:07:00 a.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

Excellent. Everything is falling into place...

Tue Apr 04, 07:10:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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