I've had to work from home recently, on something that turned out (as usual) to be slightly more tricky than I'd anticipated, so what I'd estimated would take one afternoon took two. And the morning in between.
It was great fun, there's something about analysing network packets I find very entertaining. Computers are awfully polite things, they let everyone around them know if they have something useful, other computers who shout out questions generally get an appropriate answer, and then there's "handshaking":
"are you well?"
"quite well thank you, and you?"
"marvellous, marvellous, let's proceed!"*
*may not be representative of actual TCP/IP handshakingMarvellously gentlemanly. However, they can be a little unaccommodating - you have to be damn sure to ask *exactly* the right question, or they'll just shake their heads in complete confusion.
So I've pretty much been in my room for the last 48 hours, with occassional, furtive sorties into The Out to for the essentials - food, bathroom breaks, cappucinos from that wonderful café down the road. Yes, it's essential.
Now I'm leaving my little bubble to go climbing, and re-learn how to interact with people.