Sunday, October 01, 2006


Great to see you! Yeah! So... Hmm... Er... Right. What's new with me? Well, the moving is over. What moving? In the interval between informative posts, I have:

* moved out of old flat and into apartment of a certain good friend (many, many thanks)
* moved onwards to apartment of another certain good friend (many, many thanks)
* moved into hotel when gf moved over here to Santaland (how much?!)
* officially entered studentdom (wohoo!)
* used studentdom to wangle temporary accommodation
* moved out of hotel promptly and into temporary accommodation
* moved into even more temporary accommodation
* started Uni proper (gulp)
* moved into the beautiful apartment of friends of friends (phew)

We're now firmly installed in said aparment, and shouldn't have to shift anywhere for 8 month or so, huzzah!

Also, now that I have study to avoid, you should see a general increase in posting - you may recall that it was the wonderful womb of study-avoidance that birthed this very blog all that time ago. Why, even as I type I'm "taking a break" from catching up on lectures I skipped, owing to their distinct non-Englishness. I used to begrudge myself this non-study time, but I've come to appreciate the creative energy it can engender. Earlier today I baked a pie, something I am not normally known to do.


Blogger Trey said...

Yum! Avoidance pie is one of my faves!
Re:puppet vlogging-- I'm working on the script for "Birth of Zombunnie" and we just got an idea for "Sick Sock".

Mon Oct 02, 11:23:00 p.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

That sounds fantastic! I can't wait :)

Tue Oct 03, 09:14:00 a.m. GMT+3  

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