Friday, August 25, 2006


I'm suffering withdrawal - I miss my media.  It's all locked up in boxes.  I'm getting by ok with, it's got me pigeon-holed well enough at this stage that plays me music I dig - which is especially good when the artists are new to me.  As for video, I've found succour at the ample twin bosoms of youtube and google video.  Whilst on the latter I found this:

If Drugs Were Legal - Google Video

It's a BBC production, so as you'd anticipate, the production standards are sky high.  Also, I'm beginning to think this kind of reasoned, calm, logical discussion just wouldn't be possible on US tv.  I'm purely going to what I see of US programming on said video sites, but I was particularly disgusted by the "count-down to cease-fire" concerning the Lebannon conflict - splicing the countdown over footage of new-year's in Time Square was hideous, and this was from CNN! 

Anyway, my political and moral views seems to straddle Liberal and Libertarian, so it was really interesting to see (qualified) people debate over arguements I've tried to unknot many's a late night with friends. 

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Blogger Trey said...

We don't do logic here in the U.S.--something becoming increasingly clear to the rest of the planet.
Q: What's the difference between Caligula and G.W. Bush?
A: I was hoping YOU could tell me.........

Sat Aug 26, 06:45:00 a.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

Though you do have pretty good programming on Comedy Central - I was complaining with Sean that we don't have a Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert at home to cut through the heaping piles of... discourse... in Irish politics.

Sat Aug 26, 12:50:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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