Thursday, August 24, 2006

Designer Tea? - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - Design

Hype knows no bounds, it seems. Who would have thought the humble cup of tea could have been reinvented as it has been over recent years?

As a reminder that Wallpaper* is just as much about the preservation of time-honoured and quality brands as it is about pushing the product envelope, our award for the best brew goes to the wholly reliable Irish tea company, Barry’s. Why?

First, the packaging promises nothing more than a straight-talking cup of tea, but most importantly, the tea itself hails from the best plantations throughout Kenya and India’s Assam Valley. Just leave the builder’s bum to the professionals.

And thanks to Sean's recent delivery it's still what you'll get in a cup if you wander over to mine of an evening.

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Blogger Trey said...

a nice cuppa would come in welcome about now........mmmmmmmm!

Sat Aug 26, 06:42:00 a.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

I could post you a couple of these actually - then they'd be the most travelled tea bags ever - Ireland to the States by way of Finland!

Sat Aug 26, 12:48:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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