Merry Christmas
Merry [insert seasonal/solar festival here],
I feel far from my books and study here (even though they're only just upstairs) so I'm slacking off... to blog!
Home is no longer the internetless wilderness it once was (huzzah!). There's a complicated and arcane phone system culminating in broadband and a wireless phone upstairs, but in series with a plain old phone downstairs, a phone that is not to be lifted under pain of death. It came from the electronics shop the video from The Ring originated; the very act of lifting the receiver and hearing its dial-tone kills the internets.
To this newly, wired home I brought the gift of wirelessness. Previously I'd get told off a lot for hogging the connection over the holidays, and the familiar perception (especially with the matriarch) is that sitting at the computer is anti-social, whereas sitting in front of the tv is acceptable. Now, I can do (and am doing) both, praise be the wifi internet fairies, ferrying my packets to a fro. Flit! Fly!
Righty, back to work. New Year's is coming, and this year it brings not only abstracts like *Promise* and *Hope*, but certainties like *Exams*, *Deadlines* and *Grades*.
A special "Merry Christmas" to everyone I can't say that to in person.