Monday, June 07, 2004


It's almost no fun being idle when there's nothing to shirk! Books lose their ability to devour time, MUD becomes a collection of pathetic people, and flash games are suddenly very crap.

I say almost: yesterday was excellent. A very relaxed dinner with Seamas, Niamh, Sean, Annie and Paul led to frisbee on the green, led to cinema, led to myself, Sean and Paul enjoying at post-midnight game of frisbee on the rugby pitch! My lack of specs, and the general lack of light conspired to make it a bit of an adventure sport while it lasted :) In the end we were moved along by four friendly security guards, but only so far as the computer labs, where we deathmatched with thanks to the excellent open source Cube available from sourceforge. Played some chess, surfed aimlessly, until finally I left at about 5am I think... That was fun :)

Today however, suitably sleep deprived, I became pretty bummed plucking along to 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You' by Led Zeppelin for obvious reasons. I thought if I roused myself and tried to finish my graphics project I'd cheer up; on the way to the lab I noticed some people studying on the rugby pitch. For the first time in about four years, I categorized them as 'they', 'other'. For a split second I experienced a disaffiliation with college, and I think it was jarring because of the exclusion - I wasn't part.

Dinner was a wild concoction of tuna, chilli, noodles, and cheese. Written down that looks like a big mistake. I should have written it down then, instead of proving it by experiment. So, head, brain, and later bowels in turmoil, I headed in to town to try and find the source of some music that was bouncing around front square and new square [you can almost see detectives tracing back the source of my psychopathic insanity to this event... "Ah, the old music-in-the-head" :)]

The walk did my good, especially coming back in through front arch, I have never tired of that, or taken it for granted - it's an occasion every time :) I will miss that.

Oh, nearly forgot - the description... Right. "So empathetic it's almost sycophantic" needs to be attributed to Sean "skier" Kiernan. It's a gem, wish it were mine :)

Currently nostalgic (ah those late night conversations, ah the late nights in the labs etc ad nauseum)

Listening to traffic on Pearse St (won't miss that)


Blogger Laina said...

sounds like another day in trinners eh?
Unfortunately, the cheescake did end, so you keep trying, and I'll check back about that reinflating bubble wrap, the only thing that could waste more time than my current office job :)

Tue Jun 08, 04:02:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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