Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So cold!

A drain-pipe on my way to work was taking a surreptuous leak on Sunday night, when temperatures suddenly fell. The stream, now a frozen snake inching two feet from the outlet, a witness to the days long subzero spell. I'd love to report something analagous happened to a doorstep-desecrating tramp a few blocks down, but that is not the way of the world.

What I'm painfully, belabouredly endeavouring to elucidate (it's not funny? I thought it was ironic...) is: it's cold. Ten below currently, and I, like the drain-pipe and my imaginary tramp friend, have been taken a little by surprise. I have no "winter coat" you see. My old, trusty coat and I enjoyed many adventures, but they were the kind of advenures that left both of us scarred and tatty, so it had to go.

I dislike shopping. I tried to buy a new one. Twice. In two different stores even. All the coats I liked had prices I could quote in units of weekly salary, and so I did what I always do in these situations: I procrastinated. Now I'm a cold little Hamlet. Still, it's forecast to be a toasty one above tomorrow, so no panic, eh?

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Blogger Trey said...

This calls for a benefit concert! Delta Aide(TM) will be the event of 2005-- all the greats (ok--trendys) banding together to sing an anthem and buy Mr. Murphy a warm coat. I'll get right to work composing out little ditty--it's to be called "Take the "D" out of "cold"". May I have my knighthood now, please?

Tue Nov 22, 02:29:00 a.m. GMT+2  
Blogger delta said...

That's so brilliant I'm getting right on the phone to the Swedish monarchy (the closest people to here that could knight you). So I get a coat, you become a Sir at all times, and the world gets the ditty. Marvellous.

Wed Nov 23, 01:32:00 a.m. GMT+2  

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