Thursday, March 17, 2005



Well, there was supposed to be a post to go with the picture below, posted yesterday, but Blogger just wouldn't let me log in (dangerous behaviour on the day I created a Livejournal account).

I spent all morning rendering my apartment spotless. It's surfaces, recently obscured by dirty dishes, and primordial soup (very tasty with fresh bread), now gleam.

I really must get around to sticking an "Ei mainoksia" - "no junkmail" notice above my letterbox. I have a tendency to allow things to accumulate. Unwashed dishes, for example, empty cereal boxes (they have to be recycled down the road, and it's not worth the trip for one box), and inevitably, junkmail. I had enough unsolicited advertisements, free papers, and come-ons from local pizza vendors stacked in or around my doorway to completely fill a large black refuse sack. This was a satisfying enough process, until I realised that it was effectively refuse-sack sized chunk of reconstituted wood. After a struggle, the contents ended up in the relevant bin outside for collection, and I returned upstairs for my boxes and bottles (for that trip down the road). There was an ad-ware paper on my floor.

Anyway, back to the picture: over the weekend I went to a large, frozen lake in Järvenpää with Joonas and a friend of his. They enjoy kite-surfing during the summer months, and were planning on using the kite, a snowboard, and cross country skiis to duplicate the fun on a frozen snowy lake. While I did get to do some skiing, the kite I tried by itself. Great fun, though!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a while there I was jealous of all your fancy cold weather etc., the photos do look bloody cool, but now that the weather here has turned into summer overnight, its like 18 degrees here, warm enough not to need a jacket!! I'm not so jealous anymore.


Fri Mar 18, 05:05:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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