Sunday, July 24, 2005

My Secret Shame

Ok I'll admit it... I really like personality tests. I have a pretty poor understanding of myself in general, so there's a curiousity element, and it doesn't hurt that they tend to couch their answers in positivity. So, when I saw Annie link to some tests I made a mental note to self to try them some time when I was feeling lazy.

The test in question are from the BBC, if you're interested, and they are quite educational.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Right so, after being chastised this morning for not filling your screens with drivel in so long, witness: drivel.

Part of the reason I've been so silent is I was incommunicado in Disneyland Paris for a whole week. I'd like to say I hired to infiltrate the park on a secret mission, but I have to admit that I was merely holidaying there with Niamh, Ian and Rebekka. The weather was possibly too spectacular, leading to much trying on of hats, and long bouts of doing not-very-much in the sun. No that's not a euphimism - it was far too hot for that outdoors, and anyway, think of the children won't you?

The other reason is that 'till yesterday, the weather here has been similarly excellent. Sunshine brings out a real carpe diem spirit in the Finns and foreigners alike, so I found myself participating in all sorts of archipelago activities from picnicing to finding rocks not marked on the sea-charts with the bottom of Joonas' boat, to being dragged behind it at by a rope at 20kmph (more fun than it sounds).

Oh, and I let a friend cut my hair. This is most of the divorced follicle spawn which littered her floor afterwards. I then let a professional "fix" it.

The final reason for is that I've gotten my synth all nicely set up in front of my computer, and what starts as an "Oh, I'll update my blog" urge winds up as a four hour jam with my imaginary band buddies Leroy (drums), Merv (double bass), and Tito (alto sax - I generally play rhodes or filthy organ), or with me loosing the guys and wigging out electro style, depending on my mood.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Furniture hunting

We got up early and headed for a park known for wild furniture. After row upon row of placidly grazing park-benches, we came upon these magnificent creatures. They were flighty, but we got them all right. Another successful hunt.

Incidently I'm very sleep deprived...

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Sunday, July 03, 2005

For Seamas

A pretty alternative form of transport. Note the lid to the brain :) This is right up there with wife-carrying competitions for Finnish wackyness...

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