Monday, August 02, 2004

Hei hei it´s Helsinki!

Hei from Helsinki. Arrived yesterday evening in Vaanta Airport at about 7pm local time, and then, in true Dave fashion, managed to take 2 and a half hours to get to my hotel. How? It goes a little something like this:

Me: "Most heartfelt greetings good cabby, pray, how much doth thou charge to city centre?
Cabby: "Greetings and welcome smelly traveller, why €20 for my honest toil"
Me: "Excellent, good sir, consider me your charge"
Cabby: "And where pray is your destination?"
Me: "Why Hotel Sokos my good fellow, post haste!"
Cabby: "Very good sir, but which one?"
Me: "Eh?"
Cabby: "Sokos Hotel Torni, Sokos Hotel Kaus Kurki, Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Sokos Hotel Pasila, or Sokos Hotel Helsinki?"
Me: "Er, oh..., er, Helsinki"
Cabby: "Yes sir..."

And so we went on our merry way, my excellent friend dropping me plum in the centre of Helsinki, where not sixty seconds later myself and a very helpful receptionist ascertained that my reservation was with a Sokos elsewhere. I say very helpful, because he then went on the phone each and every branch to see if they had me on their books. Finally it was discovered I should be in Pasila. Now anyone who knows Helsinki knows that the distance from the city centre to Pasila is considerable. Especially with a guitar and a full case the size of a wardrobe. One quick train journey later, and a lone trek through the teeming metropolis that is Pasila and I was home.

I'm currently scouring the net for accommodation, but it's much more expensive than I thought. On the other hand I'm typing on my brand new IBM T41 (specs on request), and sitting beside it is my equally shiny Nokia 7610. At least I've something to play with tonight instead of watching TV (don't run with that comment, this is a family blog).

It feels really strange to be back here, it's a bit like going into a timewarp: very little has changed in the last 12 months or so. Just spent 45 minutes having coffee with Joonas and Alex, and it could very well have been last summer. Anyway, it's 20:26, I'm off to do a bit of shopping before closing time.

I'm missing you all at home, keep in touch and take care...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too-many-comments!Brain...overloading...! Good to hear you made it safe and sound, clearly the multiple Novena's that I had being done by the various aunties and uncles at home made the difference(we even had the holy goat of Clonrichert, a class 3 relic!)

Give me the specs on the computer!!(sorry, latent nerd bursting out there) PS you have my email address right btw, will give you a shout later on


Tue Aug 03, 12:53:00 p.m. GMT+3  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely. Give me the specs on the IBM as well, see if you can make me jealous. I'm not in a very chatty mood, depressed after seeing a sad movie so I'll catch up with you later on. Good luck with the search for accommodation and the work. Keep in touch :)

Wed Aug 04, 02:23:00 a.m. GMT+3  

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