Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Object of desire

Now, normally I wouldn't bother you with the most recent entry to my material wish-list; in general people aren't interested in clip-pedals or synthesizers, or if they are, they aren't the same people, but this I'm sure, will have mass appeal.

Nokia have just released a new series of phones, including this very pretty, very capable model, the N91.

It's a bit like an iPod mini. That's a 3G phone. With Wi-Fi. And a useable camera. That I can program for. Mmm.

Now all I have to do is convince superiors that I really need one for "testing" before the release date, which, contrary to most sources you'll find on the web (including the official page) I can tell you won't be until the end of the year. Don't ask me how I know that.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by davemurphy.
It seems my "Come all, rejoice! for Spring has sprung" Morris dancing routine was a tad premature. I got as far as "Step, turn, step, wave hankey" and slipped on fallen sky.

Unlike subzero snow, this stuff is wet and horrible. Minus five really is more pleasant than zero.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I'm sure it didn't actually distress anyone, but it's been two weeks since I posted. I've been mighty busy at work - I even had to keep business hours last week, arriving before 10am daily was quite a shock to the system - it left me feeling like a soft-drink gone flat. It might have helped if I'd gone to bed before 2am any night...

I may or may not have an ebay saga for you, I'm afraid that blogging about things now will jinx everything. Suffice to say that either I've gotten a good deal, or I'm going to get to know the people who deal with VISA fraud very well.

Also, I'll be home from the 6th till the 9th of May. A goodly portion of that will no doubt be spent with family, but I hope to sneak away at some stage. I may not be able to manage a night out in Dublin, but we'll see.

Have to do this 10am thing tomorrow too, so I'm off :)

Friday, April 01, 2005


You can have all sorts of interesting hobbies - hobbies that may, at the moment even be considered "cool", but if you've got one, your inner geek will shine through.

Here's a particularly funky inner geek test: if this elicits no excitement, you are a normie. If, on the other hand, it excites you as few things have done thus far this year, you are - like me - a geek. Though I am an extreme case beyond redemption. Were my bladder not empty when I received notification of this going live by email, "he wet himself with excitement" might have been more than a crude exaggeration.

This is definitely something I'm going to tweak over the coming days. It is also something that is assuredly going to crash - practically every component is in beta, so if the link is dead, check again later.

The weather here is glorious (though still kinda chilly at 9 degrees). I'm starting to hanker after a synth/midi controller. I've just realised the extreme non-sequitur nature of that comment reflects on the intensity of the hankering. This will have to be handled carefully, else I'll be holidaying on credit!

Have a good weekend everyone!

**Update 24/4/2005
I'm afraid my cool mysterious geek thing is going to be offline for a while, due to cool mysterious geek reasons. It'll be back in new and improved form soon...