Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Object of desire

Now, normally I wouldn't bother you with the most recent entry to my material wish-list; in general people aren't interested in clip-pedals or synthesizers, or if they are, they aren't the same people, but this I'm sure, will have mass appeal.

Nokia have just released a new series of phones, including this very pretty, very capable model, the N91.

It's a bit like an iPod mini. That's a 3G phone. With Wi-Fi. And a useable camera. That I can program for. Mmm.

Now all I have to do is convince superiors that I really need one for "testing" before the release date, which, contrary to most sources you'll find on the web (including the official page) I can tell you won't be until the end of the year. Don't ask me how I know that.


Blogger Trey said...

pre-cognizance must be among your mutant powers--yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.....the phone is too freakin cool.

Sat Apr 30, 05:42:00 a.m. GMT+3  

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