Saturday, May 20, 2006

A post

I was taken to task for the lack of own-brand excrement emminating from this here interweb sewer pipe earlier, so it's been on my consciousness, if not my conscience.

I've been out with friends, I'm horribly, yea, bitterly tired after a night spent pondering great mysteries, dis- or mis-remembering the conclusions, and fighting off sleep-deprivation induced paranoia, chronologically. The latter mostly involves trying to restrain my imagination. I worried that someone will try to kill me.

I decided I am mostly afraid of the pain.

I remember recognising there really were evil people - people whose drives orient them against society - and finding it a depressing, disheartening thought. I puzzled over how to deal with this kind of person, without stooping to their level. I decided that punishment should have an educational component, a chance for redemption, or else it was just vindictiveness, retribution. I decided that if a punishment's purpose was to make an example of someone, that wasn't fair. I can't remember the exact reasoning.

There have been *things* back home lately, things with more gravity than normal. When I'm unoccupied my thought tend towards bigger questions. The big questions don't have answers, only opinions, but the opinions have repercussions - they challenge perception of self, the world, and everything in between.

I worry I'm purely cerebral, emotionally numb.

Then today, at lunch, we talking about writing, blogging, language skills. It's held amongst some friends that this is a space for me to vent my circumlocutions safely. I'll freely admit my style tends to the verbose, but I've always been like this. My english teacher likened me to Polonious. I like words and language, I think of the more esoteric as rare, precious.

I'm not sure if this is merely egotistical.

Anywhoo, somehow all of that conspires to put me in the mood to write a little.

I wonder if pressing "post" is exhibitionist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In french there is a unofficial say: "Why do things simply when you can make them complicated?"
(Pourquoi faire les choses simplement quand on peut les faire compliquées)

Or maybe this applies only to computer and programming. I forgot.

Mon May 22, 06:51:00 p.m. GMT+3  
Blogger delta said...

Hehe, reminds me of the engineering joke - if it's not broken it doesn't have enough features yet :)

Mon May 22, 08:36:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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