Friday, August 27, 2004

Wired for sound

Friday again! Friday is Finnish day, when I have a one and a half (or "puolitoista") hour class in this strange(everything gets conjugated), precise (ie a word for 1.5), language. Today we covered everything from greetings and some basic verbs, to "What would you do in the following situation: someone tries to snatch your handbag at the train station". Now personally, I'd be very surprised if I found myself in this situation, my initial response being "Where the fuck did that handbag come from?!" I was just struggling to put this together in Finnish (I'd gotten as far as "come", we haven't covered evocative verbs yet) when one of my classmates beat me to it. Turns out the right answer was "Apua! Varas!" or "Help! Thief!".

I've just come back from downtown Helsinki. I stepped out to buy something to eat, and wound up in a guitar shop buying a practise amp. I still haven't managed to eat. At all today, in fact. Amps, though fantastic things, are not flavoursome. They can, however help you exact revenge on the kind of neighbours that hire workmen to drill and bang between the hours of 7 and 10.30 am but never later!! This means, after I finally nod off at 2 or 3 (or 4 or 5) in the morning, I get a few measly hours sleep before being shocked awake by the sound of drills (alarm clock manufacturers' research indicates that drill sounds are unsuitable for rousing sleepers - these sounds, and I quote from 'American Alarmclocks Almanac': "frequently elicit cardiac arrest, rather than
the desired awakening effect"). Then, after dozing fitfully for a while waiting for the sounds, I pass out and realise it's 11.41! Why would they stop like that!! It's all a plot isn't it, they have it all planned, oh they think they're so clever... well we'll see who's clever when I start belting out Darkness covers at 5am on Sunday
morning! Hee heee heheheee...
And deep breath...

Must eat now, take care


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should start blogging both in finnish and in english? and i will start blogging in english and um, london english :) keep up the good work!

Sun Aug 29, 05:34:00 p.m. GMT+3  

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