Monday, January 10, 2005

Unnnnggggghhhhh *Kablam! Kablam!*

Ungh. I had one of my infrequent bouts of insomnia last night. There are many possible reasons for this - my schedule has gone to feck, dragging my circadian rhythm down with it. Also, I went climbing yesterday, which was phenomenal. I've had a mental block climbing above Finnish grade 4+ since I started again, and after popping off a 4+ straight out of the blocks, I resigned myself to a frustrating session, before sending a 5+, a 5-, and a 4+. The grin was threatening to bisect my head.

The thing is, having been away from climbing for a few months, at about 12 metres up the first route I got "The Fear". That is to say, I had a minor panic attack. This tends to leave me a little pumped up for the rest of the day.

Other factors which may have contributed include some bastard making noises at 5am. Actually, I've mentioned the noises and strange goings on around my block on a number of occasions, and I've formulated a theory from acquired knowledge. Apparantly, the company that leases my apartment runs hospitals. In general, their accomodation is provided with workers at said hospitals in mind. Innocuous so far, yes.

However! The hospital I live beside is a mental hospital (Dun dun duuuunnn!!). Full of people who are likely to scream at night, pretend to be action man in public places, and so forth. I'm speculating that perhaps some apartments in my block form a sort of halfway house. Either that, or insanity is contageous.

Anyway, the point is, I feel zombified to the point where making sense of my maladjusted program (at 9:30pm) is physically painful. Furthermore, I've developed an irrational fear that my resemblance to the undead is so complete, that someone is going to blow my head off with a shotgun, and then feel very foolish ("He was just tired? Oh no, how silly of me. That's the second time today, I feel like such an idiot. Is there anything I can do? Well at least let me help tidy up, we don't want to let that brain congeal, it'll ruin the monitor... Well, if you're sure. Sorry again!") Despite all this I blog, as Alex has just pointed out...

Speaking of Alex, here he is (bottom picture), with the largest toblerone in the free world. Kim Jong-il has a bigger one, you see, hence the qualifier. He teases foreign diplomats with it. Bastard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see it now, a new ad campaign for Toblerone.

"How big is YOUR Toblerone?"

And who's that chap in the first pic? that point on his head looks dangerous.

The dirty hippie

Tue Jan 11, 07:46:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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