Friday, January 07, 2005

What day is it?

Thanks for the replies! So much sound advice, wit, and a bit of perspective from Rob for good measure. What a great pity it's mostly contradictory. I bought Heroes of Might and Magic IV for a tenner off someone on the intranet, so maybe that'll take care of the urges for now.

Anywhoo, I'm a tad pooped today. Yesterday was a national holiday. I had great intentions - I was going to get up early, I was going to work off some of my time deficit, I was going to invent a program-writing program. The reality was somewhat less idealistic, but much more fun.

I met Alex at about 2.30pm, and we headed to the rather funky apartment of a really cool friend of his, Kati, where there was tea-drinking, scrabble-playing, and wine-imbibing, until a gang assembled, whence the party relocated to the classily appointed pad of one of said gang, Antti. It was really fun to be around lots of arty, creative types for a change. Antti is a photographer, and his bedroom was doubling as a studio - really fascinating to watch him work - it's funny how magical and mysterious the making of art can be to a techie. Anywhoo, it was great, and we finally wandered off much the worse for wear at 2.30am.

Again, I had good intentions for today, but to no consequence. I got dressed to answer the door at 11am to some Jehovah's Witnesses. See, I made the fatal mistake a few months back, of actually engaging the JW's that called to the door. I argued theology with them for a good 30 minutes on my doorstep. I enjoyed it. It's quite fun to argue with people entrenched in their viewpoints - they tend to know quite sophisticated arguements by heart, which are a challenge to de-rail. In general I enjoy argueing religion - it helps me refine what I believe. I've had some great discussions - noteably with a baptist back in TCD, who told me one of my arguements troubled him for a week (is it wrong to take satisfaction in that?), and a Mormon last year in Helsinki, for almost 2 hours in the street.

Anyway, after having been visited by two older ladies, it appears they've decided that I really need saving, and sent a tag team of cute, wide-eyed, twenty-something girls as a last resort (you can almost hear the supervisor thinking "Heh! Lets see him leave them standing on the doorstep. Excusing myself instantly as being just up and late for work, they promised to come back again another time. I made my way in to work casually, since I thought it was Friday. It isn't, so I missed my Finnish class, simultaneously breaking two New Years Resolutions.

I think I'm going to watch some DVD's with Agathe, as part of a quiet weekend, till Sunday at least, when after far too long I've planned to go climbing. Early.

It just struck me that I need to fix up some linking mechanism here. All of you wonderful, wonderful people-who-replied but one have sterling blogs. The party that doesn't really should, shouldn't you Mr Skierspeare? Hmm? I'll get on it over the weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's the linking mechanism coming on?

Wed Jan 12, 03:02:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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