Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Allo allo

Well, as is usual with me and my software, when solid results are needed, things go the shape of the pear. In this case I'm certain that the pieces contributing to the fruit aesthetic are nothing to do with me, but this doesn't alleviate from the fact that it's my problem.

Anywhoo, I thought I'd take a break from being frustrated to tell you all about my great weekend.

I'm going to start on Thursday, when I went out with Alex, Joonas, and The South Helsinki Student Society (of which Joonas is a member). Met many cool people, and had a really good, if slightly late night.

Then on Friday, Annie flew in at about 11:30pm. We were both shattered, me from the previous night, and she from traveling, so we slipped and slid back to my place and had some rather lame rice-pies, chatted, watched family guy, and went to bed. And chatted. And went to sleep. It was -13 outside when we dropped off, so there was a good chance it might have snowed, unfortunately it wasn't to be.

The next morning was mostly spent hunting for shoes that believed less like errant ice-skates, I think we were successful. Then we went to many of my favourite (non-sightseeing) places - Café Espland, Corona Bar for some pool (I'm mighty peeved - I've been practicing for 4 months and she still bet me), the really nice Italian restaurant I've been to twice but can't name, and Torni Bar, 14th floor, best views of Helsinki at night. We then moved on to meet Alex at DTM where the music was mostly bad, but the people were interesting. Most Interesting Person award goes to the girl dressed as the world's most butch fairy. I also met Katie, I think her name is, a friend of Alex, who I previously knew only as a face covered in m&ms. Seriously. Anyway, Annie joins that elite group of people that have actually seen me dance. Well, dance, and then stop on the dance floor to answer text messages (I did this, oh, five times).

We didn't get to sleep till quite late, and by the time we got up and made it into town, there was really only enough time to grab some food and head to the airport. I really like Vantaa airport, it's so relaxed. Then the big metal bird took her back to London, leaving me with some really good rashers, sausages, handmade cookies, and other lesser, but still mighty, cookies!

Monday was a bank holiday which was really nice. I mostly slept and read, and web-chatted to Ian, who gave me a lesson in determining field-of-depth in photos (with a manual camera) across the net, without sound.

Tuesday felt like a Monday, and now I'm here today, about to go out into the cold - no - the shrivelling cold, once more, to get some data.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know it was a bank holiday monday in Finland. I should've stayed another day!! Oh well, I probably would only have gotten sicker. I blame the germy babies on the plane, for some reason they put me in the baby section (I never knew they had baby sections but apparently they do!), I was surrounded by crying babies and loudmouthed british two year olds banging on my seat. Oh what a fun trip that was! Whatever I had came on really quickly though because by the time I was on the tube home I couldn't stand properly, I just figured I was tired from the weekend but the banging head and messed up sinuses should have been my first clue.

We didn't do very much did we?

Thu Dec 09, 11:37:00 a.m. GMT+2  
Blogger delta said...

Aw :( Get well soon! To be perfectly honest I didn't know either until someone "reminded" me earlier on in the week :) Babies should be segregated behind sound-proof glass on planes...

Thu Dec 09, 11:40:00 a.m. GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quoteth Dave: Tuesday felt like a Monday, and now I'm here today, about to go out into the cold - no - the shrivelling cold, once more, to get some data.

Way to make me feel jealous Dave! Thanks very much :( Its positively (no pun intended hehe) warm here!

Thu Dec 09, 06:07:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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