Friday, December 10, 2004

It's a conspiracy

The night before last, I stayed at work quite late. Consequently, I was only starting to drop off at around four in the morning, when the room filled with strange, blue-white light. It's probably a measure of my tiredness that my first thoughts were not "Ahhh!! Aliens!! Not the probing! Why always the probing?! Nooo!" and were more like "Blue-white... text message? No. Outside? No. Well, if you eliminate the probable, whatever left, no matter how improbably, must be the cause... Wohoo! I have night-vision!" I looked up to test my new skills, and noticed that in the corner, the lamp on my bike and spontaneously turned itself on. A little spooked (and very disappointed), I turned it off, and went back to bed.

Seemingly seconds later, at 9am, horrible chirpy music fills the room. It's my phone, it's a phonecall. It stops ringing as soon as I pick it up. Evil. I don't know the number. Bastard. Now, you're probably not aware, but over here you can look peoples phone numbers up to find their address. So Timo Tuikka, of Vantaa, may a mangy dog hump your leg for your miss-dialing.

It seemed innocuous enough. I worked, I went in to town and bought the special edition How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, had mexican with Joonas, and then went to Molly Malones for a while (which is twinned with the Brazen Head back home). I cycled back, and I would like to categorically state that it was stupifying tiredness, and not any other mitigating factors, including talking on the phone at the time, that caused me to mistake a concrete kerb for some low ice. It's not such a big mistake, in the dark, in a park I don't ususally cycle through, but it was significant enough to precipitate my body leaving the bike in favour of the asphalt. The phone conversation stoped for a few seconds, an old couple strolling waited to see if they should laugh heartily or call an ambulance, and something moaned a little. I think it was me. No real damage done, except to my one and only jacket, which now has a rip in the elbow.

Not so innocuous now... Timo Tuikka is out to get me, and has plotted so elaborately, that no-one could implicate him in my downfall. One quick poke at the electronics in my lamp, and one subtle phonecall, and let sleep deprevation take its toll...

So it seems I have a rival for Overlord of Helsinki... watch this space.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've been reading too much of the da vinci code is what I think.... or has someone been smoking a sweetly scented haze-inducing substance near you? Sounds like the crazed, thinly connecting wonderings of a paranoid hash addict to me....

Fri Dec 10, 03:03:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I forgot to say that I finished Vernon God Little, tis a mighty book, comes with my stamp of approval right there on the jacket beside Annie's :)

Fri Dec 10, 03:08:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you think of the last chapter? Without giving anything anyway, good ending or would you have preferred if it ended with the second last chapter? That was my preference...


Fri Dec 10, 05:37:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Blogger delta said...

My thoughts exactly. You, me, and Shakespeare concur :)

Fri Dec 10, 05:40:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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