Hello hello,
Belated best wishes for the future to one and all. My 2006 started a little inauspiciously, I had a bit of a cold, and lost a sum of money playing poker with my extended family on New Year's, then once back in Finland my computer died, leading to a bout of radio silence. In all honesty, it didn't die, so much as become terminally ill, whence, attempting resuscitation, I accidentally euthanized it, but I don't like to tell it that way. Many family members trust me with their computer's mysterious inner organs, and I don't want to disillusion them. Likewise, I don't inform them the magical "incantations" I employ when necromancing their hardware are sotto voce curses. The world needs more mystery.
I've decided not to make any new years resolutions just yet. January seems a bad time to pledge change, I find it an attritious month at the best of times, without the hardship of pledged self-improvement. This time of year more than any other finds me retreating to the soft bosom of minor vices I'd be likely to swear off: sugary milky coffees, chocolate, and late-night gaming sessions and attendant day-sleeping. God help newly minted non-smokers.
On a brighter note, happy birthday to the inestimable, the inimitable, the ineffable, the one and only...